
Italy's OLUCE launches 9 types of Housing Brackets

New products are Lighting Icons that show Subtle and Intelligent Beauty

Jung-Bae Kim | 기사입력 2021/02/13 [16:32]

Italy's OLUCE launches 9 types of Housing Brackets

New products are Lighting Icons that show Subtle and Intelligent Beauty

Jung-Bae Kim | 입력 : 2021/02/13 [16:32]



▲ Oluce's Line.(Photo Credit=Oluce)     © World Lighting News.


▲ Oluce's lens. (Photo Credit=Oluce)     © World Lighting News.


▲ Bracket of Oluce. (Photo Credit=Oluce)     © World Lighting News.



· Written by : Jung-Bae Kim. Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.

Oluce has marketed a variety of residential brackets for the spring 2020 season. These

new products offer a bold, decorative project aesthetic that is thought of as a lighting

element that can change the exterior of a house.

These products are suitable for indirect lighting or diffuse lighting in entrances or

corridors of houses. Futuristic and adjustable lighting fixtures with a fun lighting effect or minimal design are based on the lighting technology that Oluce has been using for many years. These new products are lighting icons that show subtle and intelligent beauty.

Among them, Ilo is a variety of LED luminaires designed by designer David Lopez

Quincoces of Madrid, Spain. Ilo's clean lines create a perfect blend of subtle decorative

spirits and exquisite finishes to create a multifaceted beauty for a variety of situations and styles.

The bracket version of Ilo is mounted on a wall via a square plate, and the pivot can be

moved in any direction. In addition, the fixture itself offers a variety of aesthetic and

practical lighting options. This product is rotated 90 degrees.

Meanwhile, Alba was designed by Mariana Pellegrino Soto. The concept of Alba began

with a very simple element. The designer was inspired by 'a drop of water' while designing

this product.

The product has a soft satin brass finish that contrasts with the square line. There are two versions of Oluce's wall-mounted models. In the first model, the solid is lightly attached to a square rose-shaped support and fixed to the ceiling rose.

In the second version, available in two sizes, the tubular takes the form of an inverted 'L'. The new Alba bracket, available in two sizes, emphasizes decorative features.

Line is a product designed by Francesco Rota. The line uses essential oval Pyrex glass to

depict essential and minimal images. The line is characterized by proper size, material

importance, partially polished aluminum coating, and two light sources that diffuse light

up and down.

Meanwhile, the Lens was designed by Francesco Rota. The lens is a product inspired by

modern sculpture, showing an interesting light-mirror interaction. In fact, the lens is a

direct light bracket with a concave screen that creates a barrier between the light source

and the surrounding area.

Bronze is a lighting fixture with a striking decorative value. The LED light source is hidden

inside the bronze. This product is an innovative and technical product, which guarantees more than 80% energy saving. Yolk was designed by Angeletti and Ruzza. The product

demonstratest lighting fixture.



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