Desker Launched 4 New products Suitable for Office and Living spacesNow when housing-related companies change according to the 'home office trend'
Written by : So-Won Park. Journalist.
sold in the market, but if you sell fluorescent lighting fixtures by yourself, you will be ignored by consumers as 'outdated companies and products'.
So, it can be said that companies are the way to live if they change rapidly according to technology, market and consumer trends.
working from home and the time increased due to Corona 19, the number of people who had to decorate their homes like offices suddenly increased.
furnishing company, may be able to get a hint from the steps he has been walking these days.
offices, has launched four new products that can be used in both office and living spaces, such as “Round Table” and “Big Table”.
The central bar-type lower structure provides comfort with ample legroom to extend the legs leisurely. The steel legs combined with the central bar and 4 feet firmly support the table and make the space look wider with a slim line.
including meeting rooms of various sizes, work spaces with a home-like office concept, lounges, and cafes. A separate connection plate is fixed to the top plate connection part outside the table leg frame, so it can be used stably.
expanding the range of user choices.
Big table consists of two types: square and round. The square type is 2800 wide and the round type is 3400 wide. Both types can be used by 6-10 people. In the case of the square type, it is a size suitable for use in conference rooms of 6 to 8 people in the office.
◆ It is also essential to have a variety of product lines
you can choose between a lower door type with locking device and a full door type option to store documents and items.
In order to meet the diverse needs of consumers, the lineup was reinforced by releasing an additional white color of steel bookcases that did not exist.
due to home and flexible work, it is said that it has launched a variety of new products that encompass both office and living spaces. It said that it will continue to introduce products so that you can utilize it.
On the other hand, desker, which started as office furniture, has been recognized not only by the industry but also by consumers for its simple design and high usability. Recently, it has expanded its scope to the home office market and is introducing a variety of product lines that include personal study and living dining.
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