Messe Frankfurt Unveils '2020 Luminale' as Digital videoIntroducing lighting design works installed in the Frankfurt area
· Written by : Jung-Bae Kim. Publisher & Editor. Lighting Critic.
'Light + Building 2020' (2020 Frankfurt International Lighting Exhibition), which was scheduled to be held in March of this year, was changed to September 27 due to 'Corona 19'. So the world's architecture, interior, lighting, urban landscape, public design , Media Facade officials could not see one 'Big Event of Lighting' that can be seen once in two years.
This is the lighting event “Luminale” held in Frankfurt and the surrounding Ammine area in line with the exhibition “Light + Building” held every two years for lighting arts and urban design.
content and contextual content.
However, the more important goal of 'Luminale' is to continue to contribute to urban development through dialogue with artists, creative thinking, city planners, scientists and city residents.
Each project of “Luminale”, which focuses on urban vision in the fields of light, architecture, technology, ecology, urban social interaction, or history and culture, is based on practical experiences with interdisciplinary dialogue. In this process, 'Luminale' is the source of ideas and impulses and serves as a coordinator, communicator and test laboratory.
◆ 'The concept of ‘Luminale’
world's leading trade fair for lighting and building technology.
The “Bienale” is one of the largest lighting events in the world today. Today's “Luminale” has grown into an important cultural event in the Rhine-Main region, with approximately 250,000 visitors and 150 projects each time it is held to light up Frankfurt and nearby Offenbach.
Since 2018, 'Luminale' is a biennale for lighting arts and urban design, and has pursued the goal of not only making a sustainable contribution to urban design, but also creating popular and high-quality programs in terms of art and content.
Therefore, in 'Luminal', the city is not only a stage, but also a major component of the festival itself. In the interface between urban light, architecture, technology, ecological and social interactions, projects that compete with future urban visions turn into practical experiences with interdisciplinary dialogue on related issues.
'Luminale' is presenting programs in five areas. CURATED presents a selected location for thematic lighting arts, TALK presents lectures and conversations with prominent experts, and STUDY presents projects from universities and other educational institutions. This includes a project that freely and experimentally handles light and cities outside the selected areas of the community with a unique spirit.
Finally, the BETTER CITY section focuses on all the projects that will be permanently preserved in the city and contribute to the sustainability of the 'Luminale'. 'Light Walk', which serves as the heart of 'Luminale' in urban space, combines interesting places with city walking tours and public art galleries.
create an identity and shape the city atmosphere. New places appear in dynamically changing cities such as Frankfurt and Offenbach, squares disappear, fall into oblivion, or become objects-free. These changes, monuments, and landmarks become important venues and themes of light art projects in the 'Light Walk'.
◆ Special focus : 'Digital Romance'
categories of participants to be inspired by 'Digital Romantic' in project development and to see the city and its places with this theme in mind. Invited. This topic was not required, but it was presented as a 'proposal for concept development' or 'a possible intellectual starting point'.
Why did you choose this theme? This is because “Digital Romanticism” is “the medium and material of art and urban design”. Especially in 'Digital Romanticism', light seems to be a suitable medium to solve the problem of digital and romantic interaction.
Next year, the Deutsche Romantik-Museum in Frankfurt Main will be opened. In this regard, “Luminale” is seeking the connection between the romantic era and the present digital revolution.
develop effective power into the skin of a building. layers of previously hidden meanings, 'Luminale' is a place where light can create places beyond the real world, often confusing, tricky, and almost overwhelming Explore what you can make with. And ask if you need this place.
kept in mind to prevent the flood of endless content? Does lighting art quickly disappear as a stage event or satisfy your desire for something that is true, beautiful and good? ‘Luminale’ asks these various questions to us.
Fortunately, the contents of the “Luminale” that I haven't seen in Frankfurt this spring can be seen on the internet. This is because some of the projects that were scheduled to be shown in the 'Luminal' this year on the Internet have been released by the 'Luminale E.V.', which is in charge of promoting Messe Frankfurt and the 'Luminale'.
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2020 Luminale 관련기사목록